
Angry Kitty Ch. 2

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FerreTrip's avatar

Literature Text

Angry Kitty
by FerreTrip

Chapter 2: They're One of Those "Pet Menagerie" Families

The men staggered back, looking at the gigantic, morbidly obese cat taking up almost the entire alley in front of them holding such huge and heavy weapons in one paw each. The feline's belly covered its privates, its arms and legs covered its wrists and ankles, and thick eyebrows were narrowed over widened, rageful eyes. A mess of short, spikey grey hair covered its top, like a human's. He was panting with rage, teeth bared in a scowl. "Wh-What the hell--?!" asked one of the men.
"That's gotta be an unhealthy weight..."
"That's..." The man with the red eyes widened them. "You're that cat I just threw, aren't you?!"
No response aside from a war-roar and a charge, first swinging out the chain. Three men got hit by the Y-shaped weapon. Then, with amazing speed, he swung his giant axe and got three others on the other side. The men cried in agony as they...they vanished. The only one remaining was the one in the middle. He stepped back, scared now, as the cat loomed over him, mouth wet with saliva from the workout. "P-Please!" he begged. "I'm leaving, I'm leaving!!"
"You bet you are," the cat growled menacingly, and the man started to run away, going past the cat. The feline turned and watched, lips together in a deciding frown as he let him go about a quarter of the distance between axman and exit. Then, suddenly, the cat chucked up and a smidgen behind his axe and whipped it with his chain. The end links caught on some spikes on the weapon's head. This allowed him to, with a "KOOYEEAAAHH!", swing the axe forwards at a longer range than normal, plus added speed from the fall. It went straight down and cleaved the man clean in half just as he was about to enter back onto the sidewalk, his parts splitting away before vanishing as well.
The cat yanked his axe back, leaving a deep gash in the stone, and, grunting, grabbed the hilt as it returned. It unhooked from the chain as he grabbed it. He stood back into stance again, looking around and panting. At this time, Cathrine calmly stood up and walked out of the alleyway in clear view of the feline. However, amazingly, he didn't notice her at all. He panted a little more before sighing and standing up, ears shifting back up and forwards. He lowered his paws, the weapons, strangely, POOF!ing away in a brief cloud of smoke. "And stay out," he spat to nobody.
Lynn was sitting against the wall, watching in amazement and fear at the behemoth before her. She gulped, shaking, and the sound of this caused the cat's left ear to flick. He turned around and, with surprising speed and deftness, FOOMed down into a one-kneed crouch in front of Lynn, head just above hers. "Lynn..." he said quietly. His face was that of concern.
Lynn's eyes widened. 'This is...THIS IS LIKE MY DREAM!!' "Y...Yes?" she replied shakilly.
The cat, looking at her with that worried face, gently put his arms around her and lifted her up, hugging her gently as he stood. "Hey, you alright?" he asked, looking down at her. "Were you hurt?"
Lynn gulped again. She slowly nodded. "Y-y-yeah," she replied. She sweatdropped for a second before she asked, "Erm, ah, eh-heh-heh, you're, uh, not gonna, um, try and kiss me, now, uh, are you?" nervously.
The cat jerked his head back in surprise as he looked at her with a look that said he thought she was crazy. "What?!" he asked incredulously. "Lynn, I love you, but not THAT much!" he laughed. He looked up and shook his head. "You women are nuts..."
Lynn raised her eyebrows as she saw a flash of something under the cat's multiple chins as he looked up. "Huh?" She bravely reached and grabbed it, lifting up the fat over it to see better.
The cat mewed in surprise. "Nyeh! What are you--?" he began, looking down again and burying his mouth in the folds of his uplifted chins cutely.
Lynn gaped as she looked at the shining piece of colored sheet metal. "I can't believe it," she muttered. She slowly looked up at the cat.
The cat suddenly realized that his secret was blown. 'What?! That thing didn't come off?' he thought panickedly.
Lynn's expression changed into a curious and suspicious eyebrow raise. "How the hell did you get this bent in half?" she asked, tilting her head.
The cat dropped his face entirely in his fat in place of a facepalm or anime fall at the choice of response.
Lynn chuckled and dropped the tag, looking back up with an intrigued, smirking look on her face. "Mars," she addressed.
Mars sweatdropped, grimacing with that "Uh-oh" look on his face. "Aaaaaah..." Then he jumped and went, "Oh!" as Lynn suddenly hugged him back.
"Thank you for saving me," Lynn said, face to the side and eyes closed. "I was scared...I thought I was toast, I thought you were totally dead or worse...I never would have thought this would happen..."
"You're reacting to it really well, actually," Mars commented, raising an eyebrow as he, blushing, hugged her back.
"I'm actually freaked out of my skull at the moment," Lynn confessed, "but I don't want to be rude and push my own cat away to press against the wall and gape."
Mars chuckled. "Thanks," he said. "Oh, and it's not a problem," he added, smirking. "I'd never let my favorite human get hurt or taken away as long as I can help it."
They stood for a moment before Mars sweatdropped and said, "You...uhm...can stop hugging me, now."
"Too late. You're my new teddy bear."
They did part, though, and Lynn looked around, sighing. "So many questions," she muttered, arms behind her head. "But we'd better get home, first."
"Yeah," agreed Mars, holding the spot she was at on his belly and looking at it. 'That felt so good, but yet so wrong...'
Lynn put a hand to her chin and thought, furrowing her brow. "But, shoot, we can't just stroll out of this alley with you like that," she mumbled. "People're gonna call the cops or something. We might have to find some big piece of cloth to cover you up...or you're gonna have to hide in every alleyway we pass by until the coast is clear...or just make a break for it..."
"Or just walk out like normal," suggested Mars from below. Lynn gawked as she saw Mars, back to normal, walking past with his harness on and everything.
"Tha...t'll work..." she said slowly.
Later, she and Mars, who she had decided to carry half the way back despite his renewed vigor, returned home. "Hello?" she called. No answer. She took the harness off of Mars and dropped him to the floor. "Go on up to my room, Mars, I'll be up in a bit," she told him.
"Mreh," was the only reply.
Lynn went into the kitchen and looked at a note on the fridge.
Me and your sister are off to get a new pair of shoes. Your father's still at work. Feed Mars when you get back from your walk with him, or wherever you took him. We fed the others for you. See you around six, hopefully, if your sister doesn't take an age again...
Love, Mom"
Lynn sighed and grabbed a snack from the fridge for herself. 'Yeah, he deserves something special for doing that,' she thought.
So, she personally brought up Mars's food dish full of kibble. Mars, still normal, pouted and groaned at this. Lynn closed her eyes and waggled a finger at him. "There's no possible way we have enough food to feed you the way I bet you were expecting, so just be glad I'm giving you an extra helping anyway," she admonished him.
She had remembered about water right afterwards and soon was crouched on the floor in front of her cat, who was busy eating and drinking voraciously. She was smiling, but she was fidgeting, too, waiting for him to be done. 'Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up,' she thought anxiously. Finally, Mars had polished off his food and drank his fill. He purred contentedly and sat in a corner of her room, stomach distended even further from the food. "'bout time," Lynn said, picking up the dishes and turning to go out the door. "Just wait there while I put this all back." She left the room.
As soon as she had, Persephone, Mercury, and Venus all blinked at him--Persephone from the bed, of course. "What 'JYOU do?" the cat asked, raising an eyebrow. "She just threw that diet they've got you on out the window and practically gave you lunch in bed!"
"That IS quite odd," Mercury agreed, tilting his head. "Are you hurt or something?"
Mars shook his head, smiling. "Naw," he replied, "just a little tiredish from the workout."
"So does she just feed you extra when nobody's around?" asked Venus, half-eyeing him. "I mean, everyone knows you're her favorite."
Mars raised his eyebrows at this, but right when he opened his mouth to speak (getting out nothing more than a "Nyeh?"), Mercury hissed, the way he shushes people. "Zip it, she's back!" he whispered hoarsely and quickly.
Lynn walked back into the room and closed the door, looking with a normal expression as she did. Mars blinked a moment as she turned to look at him. "What's up?" she asked, seeing his face.
Mars looked a little lost and surprised as he tilted his head and asked, "I'm your WHAT, now?"
The other three pets gawked at him with "Hel-LO?!" jawdrops. Lynn tilted her head with a quizzical expression. "? ? ?" She then, whipping her head quickly in their direction, raised an eyebrow at her other pets, who all turned away, whistling like nothing was wrong.
Lynn crossed her arms at Mars. "Okay, my first question," she began, leaning against the wall opposite Mars, who sat by her bedside table. "How long have you been able to talk?"
"Ummmm..." Mars looked up in thought for a moment. "...I thiiiiink...half a year, about," he finally answered.
Lynn raised her eyebrows at this. "Wow, really?" she muttered.
A defeated sigh to her left (she was standing between the door and the desk) made her jump a little bit. "Actually, it's been seven months," corrected Mercury, hanging his head.
Lynn blinked, eyes wide. "Well, erm, cool," she responded. "That...answers my second question." She looked at the other animals, pointing at them as she turned. "Soooo...Venus? Persy?" (Persy is her petname for Persephone.) "Can you two talk, too?"
The female pets nodded. "Yeah," Venus answered, smiling a little and blushing. "Weird, I know, but, trust me, none of us know why."
Lynn heard panting behind her, on the other side of the door. She opened it and let her dog come in. " talk, too, Jupiter?" she asked. 'Oh, God, a talking dog...that can be ugly, if Dexter's Lab's taught us anything...'
Jupiter turned and tilted his head puzzledly, sitting down, but said nothing.
"Aaaaah..." Persephone half-eyed Jupiter, lower part of face hidden in a fold of the comforter. "Big guy? Mars already blew our cover. You can talk now."
"Really?" Jupiter turned and raised his eyebrows in surprise at Persephone. "I thought that Lynn was practicing being a voice actress."
Lynn smacked her forehead (as did everyone else but Jupiter). "It's official: My dog's an idiot..." she muttered.
Lynn, after closing the door again, pulled out and sat in her chair, looking at Mars. "Next question," she continued, pulling a knee up as she set a foot on the chair. "How long have you been able to transform?"
Mars shook his head. "However long it's been since you saw me do it," he replied.
The others blinked and looked at Lynn. "'Transform?'" they repeated.
Lynn smirked, continuing. "Question four: HOW do you transform?"
Mars shrugged. "I dunno how I managed to do that," he replied. He furrowed his furry brow and looked down in thought as he muttered, "Wait, when I wanted to turn back into a normal cat, I just...willed it, I guess." He looked around himself. "Maybe if I..."
Lynn sweatdropped. 'Crap, I just thought of something--what if he's too heavy for the floor?!' she realized.
POOF! But it was too late. Sitting, paws down on the front of his gut and legs tucked up like a frog's legs, was Mars, all anthro again. The other animals aside from Persephone gaped, eyes bugging out of their sockets at him. Mars looked at himself. "Yeah, I guess that works," he said.
"And I thought you were fat BEFORE," groaned Persephone.
Mars looked hurtly up at her. "But now there's so much MORE of me to love!" he reasoned, spreading his paws out to indicate his gut in front of him.
Lynn raised an eyebrow at this, but continued. "So, question five, for everyone: Can anyone else transform?" She looked around and saw headshakes. "Interesting..." Lynn put a hand to her chin. 'My cat can transform and nobody else can, but they can talk...wait...' "Okay, just replaced my original question six with this: Can anyone else in the house--aside from the humans, of course--talk, as well?"
Venus and Mercury shrugged (Venus using her wings and Mercury lifting some of his body), but the cats and dog shook their heads. "As far as I can tell, no," Persephone replied. "Neptune can't." (Neptune = Lynn's sister's pet betta)
"All I've heard are squeaks whenever I encounter any mice or rats, seeing and/or hearing," Mars supplied.
"I can understand the neighbor's dogs, but not only are they outside the house, but they can only speak and understand Canine," Jupiter said.
Lynn crossed her arms and looked down at him, half-eyeing. "I've always wondered," she said. "What's the deal with you guys doing that?" She thought of the dogs going up and down the yard, barking like mad at each other from behind their side of the fence, every time Jupiter was let out after eating to do his business.
Jupiter smiled and closed his eyes, nose up. "Dog secret," he answered. Lynn hung her head, sighing out one of those lightbulb-shaped things.
Lynn looked at Mars again, who was getting to a stand and looking at himself. "Alright, then, question seven: How in Hixville, Wyoming, can you summon those weapons?" she asked.
'Man, it feels weird going bipedal...' Mars flicked his head up at this. "Nyeh? Oh, I think the same as before," he answered. He held his right paw forward and, with a POOF!, the huge chain appeared. "And don't ask how or why," he added, "'cuz it's as much a mystery to me as it is to you."
The animals raised their eyebrows/-ridges at this. "That's ONE chain I don't want around my collar," Jupiter muttered.
"Eight," continued Lynn, holding up the right number of fingers. "How the hell can you fight with that chain and that axe I saw earier? They must weigh a ton!"
Mars shrugged. "Search me," he replied. He looked, then half-eyed as Lynn examined his body and the chain--hefting the weapon, checking under his arms, and having him make a muscle with his arm. "...I'd say this is invasive..."
"Then be careful what you say," Lynn responded, eyebrows raised as she squeezed the fat arm. In an undertone, she added, "Woo-gah, that's scary...almost half fat, half muscle..."
Lynn then backed off a bit and put a hand at her hip. "Just curious, can I see that axe you had?" she asked. "Summon it carefully, if you can."
Mars nodded, dismissing the chain. "Alright, stand back, all," he warned. He held his left paw out over the bed and summoned the axe, POOF!ing it into existence.
Persephone "NYAAAH!"ed in surprise as it appeared inches above her. She crept out and went onto the northern windowsill, ears flat and anger-veining. "CAREFUL, LARDBAG!!" she cat-roared.
Mars panic-plewded and put his right paw behind his head, still holding the weapon steady over the bed without trouble. "S-Sorry, my dear Persephone!" he apologized. "I'm still getting used to this."
Mercury widened his eyes. "Isn't that tiring, holding it steady like that?" he asked.
Mars shook his head. "Not especially," he replied.
"Can you set it down, though, so that I can look at it?" asked Lynn.
"Sure," Mars replied, setting it on the bed slowly.
Lynn gazed at it. "Woah...Cool..." she said. "That's a thick edge for a blade...It's more like a hammer..." She then realized something, looking at the spikes on one end, sweatdropping. "Crud," she muttered, moving over.
"What?" asked Mars.
Lynn lifted the spike side up and, seeing her fears realized, waterfall-teared in the T_T face. "I'm gonna need a new pillow," she whined, seeing as it was stuck to the spikes.
After Lynn lifted the pillow away and Mars dismissed the axe, the girl examined the damage. "Good thing I bought a two-pack of pillowcases," she muttered, holding the pillow in her hands. "I guess I can just try sewing the hole up in the pillow."
"Sorry," apologized her cat, pressing his index claws together and looking sorry.
"That's alright," Lynn said, turning and smiling at him. "I should've thought to remove my pillow before you did that. My bad."
Mars smiled back, then looked around. "Soooo...any more questions?" he asked.
Lynn nodded, putting the pillow back (hole side down). "Yeah, nine," she said. "You, like, feel okay? I mean, sorry to say, but you're..." She looked him up and down, sweatdropping. "'re downright morbidly obese."
Mars smiled proudly and slapped his belly, making it jiggle. "Yup!" he answered. "I feel better than I've ever felt in my life! In fact, I'm glad that I can finally talk to you, because now I can tell you that I actually felt really cold and not very well when I was younger, if you know what I mean."
Lynn raised her eyebrows. "You mean you didn't do well when you were thin?" she asked. "You actually BENIFITTED from becoming overweight?"
Mars nodded, wrists on huge love handles. "Yep!"
Persephone scoffed, having taken her place back on the bed. "Yeah, right," she rolled her eyes. "Even if you're right, you could still stand losing fifty or so, nya."
Mars pouted at her, hurt expression on his face again. "But I'm perfectly fine the way I am, Persephone!" he insisted, whining a little.
Lynn looked between the two. "D'you each other?" she asked. "As know..."
Persephone turned her head away with as big a "HMPH!" as she could muster. "ME? And HIM?!" she asked, eyes closed as she stuck her nose up away from Mars like a priss. "When hell freezes over, nya!"
Lynn raised an eyebrow at this. "Boy, I'm surprised you don't beat up on him," she said.
"Actually," came a weak voice, "that's how my tag got bent..."
Lynn whipped her head around and gasped. "Mars?!"
Mars was crouching in a corner of the room, gloom around him as his back faced the others, much like how Brock reacted whenever Prof. Ivy was mentioned a little after the Orange Islands saga ended. The other animals half-eyed at this. "Quit being an oversized drama queen," Mercury grumbled at him.
After Mars came out of it, Lynn thought. "Ummmm...Oh! Ten," she said, holding up all her fingers. "Why didn't you guys want me to know you can speak human?"
"Because we didn't want life to get more hectic for us, nya," Persephone replied. "I, for one, am not looking forward to all the stuff you're gonna be asking us, nya."
"Like what?" Lynn asked, tilting her head.
"Like why we do certain things and eat certain stuff, nya," Persephone replied. "And I know you're going to be asking stuff like that, since you wanna be*shudder*"
Lynn raised her eyebrows. "Oh! That scientist stuff!" she said. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna cheat and ask you guys if I can help it." She wink-smiled and waggled a finger. "Besides, it'd take the fun out of things."
"I personally wouldn't mind talking, actually," Venus said, smiling. "Persephone's the only other girl I've been able to speak to for over half a year!"
Lynn smiled at her. "It'll be interesting, to say the least," she said.
"Now, Lynn," said Mercury, getting her attention, "you've had ten questions answered, so I think it's fair enough if I ask one..." He looked at her directly in the eyes. "Are you going to tell anyone about our talking and Mars's newly-acquired special abilities?" he asked seriously.
Lynn looked back and shook her head. "No," she answered, serious as well, "I won't if I possibly can. I promise."
Mercury breathed a sigh of relief. "Good," he said. "I wouldn't be able to stand the media circus..."
"Besides," added Lynn, raising an eyebrow and leaning over to be eye-level with him and giving a smug look, "do you honestly think anyone'd believe me?"
The snake looked up in thought. "No, I daresay they wouldn't," he agreed. "They might think you're crazy."
Mars stretched and walked over, making small slamming sounds and shaking the room very slightly with each step. "Say, Lynn, what should I do, now?" he asked.
"I dunno," Lynn replied. "What do you mean?"
"Well, should I stay like this or go back to normal?"
Lynn shrugged. "Whatever you want," she said, turning to her messenger bag and opening it. "As much as I'd love to talk with you guys, I've got homework to do." She brought out her Math and opened it on her desk. "If you wanna talk, go ahead. Just, somebody, keep an eye out the eastern window--the one my closet's by--for the car, and get ready to shut up and act like everything's normal again." While she was talking, Mars went over to Lynn's stereo, on a bunch of shelves that held stuff like her tv, and turned on the radio low. "If my little sister finds out about this, we can kiss your secret and privacy good-bye."
"Then start kissin'."
Everyone froze and looked around as the door opened and there stood Lynn's little sister, standing with a smirk on her face and a plastic bag in her hand.
[Annabell Weaver • 13]
Like her sister, Annabell had goldenrod hair--hers was longer and styled differently--and green eyes. For a top, she preferred to wear just an untucked t-shirt with a triangle split into different colors, mostly blues and greens, on its center and four-square splitting the background (and rest of shirt) into white and brown. Her bellbottom jeans had a black wash a bit after the knees. She wore blue Chucks that she had chosen not to decorate. For accessories, she had a pair of largish hoop earrings (one gold and one silver because she lost one from each pair), a ring with a small, real garnet on it, a LiveSTRONG bracelet she got herself on her right wrist, a small, white-banded watch shaped like a pink heart on her left, and a beaded necklace she made on her own.
She just gave them that smirk, a sly look in her eyes, as Lynn and the others felt their hearts sink.
And here's where the fun begins! We've got our first battle scene and Lynn talks to her new-looking cat. (Mustoshi, I think this is where you'll be most pleased XD; )

The chapter titles, for this story, I want to be different from other chapter titles. I want them to have some vague reference to the chapter's content, but more like a comment or totally out-there kinda saying. This is as opposed to it being a bad joke (KH: PoT, WG, YT) or about what happens (WG, YT). It's HARD, believe it or not, and is hardest when you wanna figure the title out first. Anyway, enjoy if you can ^^;
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Mustoshi's avatar
:rofl: ROFLMAO!!! *rolls on the floor from reading your description* :lmao: Hahaha, you must be psychic! :XD:

Anyway, yeah, this chapter even tops the first. :D What's not to like - kickass axe-swinging action right at the beginning, then a tender/awkward moment between Mars and Lynn (I rofl'ed when he said "You...uhm...can stop hugging me, now." :XD:), and finally the big secret comes out. =3 Mars gets yet another loud "Amen!" from me when he said, "But now there's so much MORE of me to love!" :w00t!::w00t!: (Can you guess who's my favorite character now? :XD:)

Oh yeah, and one thing I forgot to mention in my comments on the first chapter: you probably did everything right, it's just that dA converts what you submit into plain text rather than HTML. But still, that doesn't take anything away from the awesome story. :+favlove: